60 Page Downloadable PDF Drivers Manual for the 1948-1949 Dodge “Job Rated” Trucks.
Series B-1-B and B-1-C
These are very detailed manuals and can be very useful in keeping your Pilothouse on the road.
60 Page Downloadable PDF Drivers Manual for the 1948-1949 Dodge “Job Rated” Trucks.
Series B-1-B and B-1-C
48-49 Dodge Truck Drivers Manual – FREE DOWNLOAD
These were very detailed manuals and can be very useful in keeping your Pilothouse on the road.
60 Page Downloadable PDF Drivers Manual for the 1948-1949 Dodge “Job Rated” Trucks.
Series B-1-B and B-1-C
These are very detailed manuals and can be very useful in keeping your Pilothouse on the road.