1931 Automobile Carbureters Service Manual PDF


Up to 1931 Carburetor Service Manual Parts 1 & 2 PDF for Multiple Makes by D.C. Royce and C.R. Strouse Published in  1931
203 pages of printable, searchable factory service information for the Packard, Zenith, Carter, Down and Updraft carburetor, Pierce, Cadillac V-12 and V16, LaSalle, Tillotson, Johnston, Marvel, Schebler, Ball-and-Ball, Ford, Winfield and Stromberg.

See long description and photos of TOC.

Part Number: 1931 Automobile Carburetors Category: Tags: , , , ,


Up to 1931 Carburetor Service Manual Parts 1 & 2 PDF for Multiple Makes by D.C. Royce and C.R. Strouse Published in  1931
203 pages of printable, searchable factory service information for the Packard, Zenith, Carter, Down and Updraft carburetor, Pierce, Cadillac V-12 and V16, LaSalle, Tillotson, Johnston, Marvel, Schebler, Ball-and-Ball, Ford, Winfield and Stromberg.

Includes theory, detailed cutaway diagrams and overhaul procedures. Includes the original step-by-step service procedures as well as specifications.

Print only the pages you need to rebuild your carburetor and throw away when done!

Table of Contents Part 1:

Construction and Adjustment

Packard Carbureters
Darly-type Packard eight; Later-type Packard eight;Construction and operation: Cleaning and adjustment.

Zenith Carbureters
Series 100, double venturi carbureters; Zenith, series 100, carbureters; Zenith universal carbureter; Zenith downdraft carbureters.

Carter Carbureters
Models DRO and DRHO: Model RAJXO: General sug-gestions: Chevrolet International: Nash 400-single-six Chevrolet Unigersal Plymouth Chrysler six, Dodge six, or DeSoto six; Adjustments.

Service Instructions for Carter Updraft Carbureters
Standard multiple-jet, plain-tube, single-adjustment models; Carter down-draft carbureter, model W; Ad-justments.

Pierce Carbureters
Construction and operation: Rules to be observed: Preliminary adjustments: Final adjustments.

Cadillac and LaSalle Carbureters Cadillac V-12 and V-16 Carbureters

Tillotson Carbureters
General features: Variety of types: Models T-1A and 1-2A: Models S-4A, S-4AF. SE-IC. SE-2A. SID-SA and SE-6A: Models SP-1A and SP-2A: Model W: Model SP-4A; Model  S-4D.

Johnston Carbureters
Construction and operation; Carbureter model. R and model H.

Table of Contents Part 2:

Construction and Adjustment (Continued).

Marvel Carbureters
Buick, Nash, and Hudson sixes: Construction and oper-ation: Heat control: Adjustments: Oakland series; Nash. 8-60, model 8-80; Buick, series 8-50; Buick, series 8-80, and 8-90; Hudson super-eight and Essex super-six: Pontiac six.

Schebler Carbureters
Model S construction and operation: Installation: Starting and warming up: Idle adjustment: Range adjust-ment; Accelerating-pump adjustment; Model S. Duplex carbureter; New model T carbureter: Model U carbureter.

Ball-and-Ball Carbureters
Construction and operation; Automatic choke: Checking fuel level and cleaning.

Ford Carbureters
Construction; Adjustment: Starting the engine; Single venturi; Replacement of parts.

Winfield Carbureters
Operation and adjustments: Construction: Spray tubes and accelerating wells; Action of the accelerating wells; Stages of carburetion: Adjusting-needle settings; Idling adjustments: High-speed adjustment: Installation of carbureter.

Stromberg Plain-Tube Carbureter
Fundamental features; Construction and operation: Adjustment; Stromberg, series T. Stromberg. series U. High speed adjustment: Low speed adjustment, or idiling  Starting and warming up: Checking and adjusting float level; Model 00-2 carbureters: Model D carbureter.